Plainview SPIRIT WEEK 10-25 thru 10-29

We are super excited about our upcoming spirit week.  During the last week of October, our students will be able to partake in activities to celebrate our first semester at Plainview.  Every day we will have a themed dress-up day.  We encourage all students to participate while following school dress code guidelines.  We also will be having an otter decorating contest as well as an otter naming contest.  Our otter needs a name and we are letting our students have the responsibility of naming him.  We will announce his name on Friday afternoon.  Our week will end with our grand finale event which will be a community trunk-or-treat in our school parking lot.  The activity will last from 6:30 - 8:00.  Our teachers and some parents will have decorated trunks and students can make their way through the parked cars to receive a wide variety of treats and also participate in several activities.  We are really looking forward to this upcoming week.  We will post pictures each day from the activities.